The 96.5 Inner FM 2023 AGM was held on Sunday 26th of November and finished off with a bang at our Christmas party.
Thanks to our wonderful hosts, The Watsonia RSL, especially Chiara and Sharon who kept us all suitably fed and watered.
It has been mentioned by many that the atmosphere was buzzing with members of Inner FM able to catch up with so many of the presenters.
During the festivities there were many stories filling the room of days gone by.
It is safe to say that there are many fun loving people at Inner FM and they know how to have a good time. There were also many discussions about the advancements and achievements made over the last year.
So many people have given of themselves over and above just presenting a weekly show.
With this in mind I had the honour of presenting an award to Dennis Gambrellis who for more than 20 years has selflessly given of himself to aid in bringing the station to where it is today.
Dennis has at times worked through the night at the station performing upgrades or maintenance. Is always on call 24/7 for any issues and involved himself with the ongoing operation of the station by involving himself with the Committee of Management and various working groups amongst so many other activities.
On a personal note, I thank Dennis for his invaluable work and assistance during my first year as President.
One thing that really stood out for me was the memories relayed of specific shows that our listeners have tuned in to. It highlighted the impact we all have on the community and how much we play a huge part in their lives as well as the importance they have in ours.
Thank You and we look forward to being an even bigger part of everyone’s lives in 2024!!!

Matthew Stamp (President) presenting Dennis Gambrellis (Vice President) with an award of appreciation of his volunteering time given to Inner FM

From Ethan Lonsdale (19yrs) to Billie Young (91yrs) this is what community radio is all about. People of all ages can be involved.